
utter Bridge allows bridging supported tokens from one blockchain to another.


export type BridgeRequestParam = {
  fromAddress: string; // from address
  fromToken: BaseCurrency; // token to be bridged
  fromChainId: string; // from chain id
  toChainId: string; // to chain id
  toAddress: string; // destination chain receiving address
  amount: string; // amount to bridge in minimal uint
  options: ButterTransactionOption; // options

Where ButterTransactionOption contains all the necessary information required to complete a bridge transaction:

export type ButterTransactionOption = {
  signerOrProvider?: Signer | Provider | Eth; // When source chain is EVM provide Ethers.js Signer/Provider or Web3.js Eth info
  nearProvider?: NearProviderType; // mandatory when src chain is near
  gas?: string;
  gasPrice?: string;

// when send transaction from Near Protocol
type NearProviderType = NearNetworkConfig | WalletConnection;

signerOrProvider: Butter supports both ethers.js and web3.js. If you are using ethers.js, provider the Signer object. If your application choose to use web3.js, please provide Eth object in order to send a transaction.

nearProvider: Whenever send a transaction from Near Protocol, you have to provide NearNetworkConfig with keystore provided or WalletConnection object


Please refer to response type.

Gas estimation

Estimate the gas cost for bridge action.

async function gasEstimateBridgeToken({
}: BridgeRequestParam): Promise<string>; // estimated gas in string

Execute Bridge

async function bridgeToken({
    toAddress, // recipient address
    amount, // amount of 'fromToken' to bridge
}: BridgeRequestParam): Promise<ButterTransactionResponse> {};

Example1: Bridge 1 USDC from Ethereum Mainnet to BSC using web3.js

// initiate ButterBridge Class
import {ButterTransactionResponse} from "./responseTypes";
import {PromiEvent} from "web3-core";

// create a Butter bridge instance.
const bridge: ButterBridge = new ButterBridge();

// assemble bridge request parameters
const bridgeRequest: BridgeRequestParam = {
    fromToken: ETH_MAINNET_USDC,
    fromChainId: ChainId.ETH_MAINNET,
    toChainId: ChainId.BSC_MAINNET,
    toAddress: '0x...',
    amount: '1000000',
    options: {
        signerOrProvider: web3.eth, // here we use web3.js as example

const response: ButterTransactionResponse = await bridge.bridgeToken(

const promiReceipt: PromiEvent<TransactionReceipt> = response.promiReceipt!;

await promiReceipt
    .on('transactionHash', function (hash: string) {
        console.log('hash', hash);
    .on('receipt', function (receipt: any) {
        console.log('receipt', receipt);


hash 0x..... // transaction hash
receipt { // web3.js TransactionReceipt
    status: boolean;
    transactionHash: string;
    transactionIndex: number;
    blockHash: string;
    blockNumber: number;
    from: string;
    to: string;
    contractAddress?: string;
    cumulativeGasUsed: number;
    gasUsed: number;
    effectiveGasPrice: number;
    logs: Log[]..;
    logsBloom: string;
    events?: {
        [eventName: string]: EventLog;

Example2: Bridge 1 USDC from Ethereum Mainnet to BSC using ethers.js

// initiate ButterBridge Class
import {ButterTransactionReceipt, ButterTransactionResponse} from "./responseTypes";
import {PromiEvent} from "web3-core";

const bridge: ButterBridge = new ButterBridge();

// assemble bridge request parameters
const bridgeRequest: BridgeRequestParam = {
    fromToken: ETH_MAINNET_USDC,
    fromChainId: ChainId.ETH_MAINNET,
    toChainId: ChainId.BSC_MAINNET,
    toAddress: '0x...',
    amount: '1000000',
    options: {
        signerOrProvider: ethers.signer, // here we use ethers.js as example

const response: ButterTransactionResponse = await bridge.bridgeToken(
console.log("transaction hash", response.hash!)

const receipt: ButterTransactionReceipt = await response.wait!();
console.log('receipt', receipt)


transaction hash 0x..... 
receipt {
  to: string;
  from: string;
  gasUsed: string;
  transactionHash: string;
  blockHash?: string;
  blockNumber?: number;
  success?: boolean; // 1 success, 0 failed

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