To perform a cross chain swapOutToken() in solidity, here is an example:
For the native gas fee required for swapOutToken() you need to call getNativeFee() to get the amount you should send as msg.value.
getNativeFee() interface;
function getNativeFee(
address _token, //bridge token
uint256 _gasLimit, // call gas limit on target chain
uint256 _toChain // target chain id
) external view returns (uint256);
swapOutToken() interface
function swapOutToken(
address _sender, // user account send this transation
address _token, // src token
bytes memory _to, // receiver account (if _swapData not empty _to must contract who implement IButterReceiver)
uint256 _amount, // token amount
uint256 _toChain, // target chain id
bytes calldata _swapData
) external payable returns (bytes32 orderId);
First determine the swap fee by call getNativeFee(), then call swapOutToken() to transfer the asset to the destination chain.
// get native fee
uint256 value = IButterBridgeV3(bridgeAddress).getNativeFee(token,gasLimit,toChain);
// perform a butter swapOutToken() in a solidity smart contract function
msg.sender, // user account send this transatio
token, // bridge token (zero address for native token)
toAddress, // target chain receiver address
amount, // bridge token amount
toChain, // target chain id
swapDat // encode swap Data
To perform a swapOutToken() using ethers via a frontend, use the abi and call swapOutToken() on the Router contract instance:
let [wallet] = await ethers.getSigners();
let nativeFee = await bridge.getNativeFee(token.address,gasLimit,tochain);
// if token if ERC20 token
await(await token.approve(bridge.address,amount)).wait()
let BridgeParam = {
gasLimit: gasLimit, // gas limit called by IButterReceiver
refundAddress: wallet.address, // for src token is OmniToken to receiver refund native fee on target chain
swapData: swapData, // IButterReceiver -> onReceived -> _payload
let swapData = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(
[[BridgeParam.gasLimit, BridgeParam.refundAddress, BridgeParam.swapData]]
let tx = await bridge.swapOutToken(wallet.address,token.address,to,amount,swapData,{value:nativeFee})
BridgeParam.swapData if need call contract on target chain otherwise set '0x' for it
need call contract on target chain ? must make sure parameter _to is a contract and implement IButterReceiver.
interface IButterReceiver {
//_srcToken received token (wtoken or erc20 token)
function onReceived(
bytes32 _orderId, // order Id
address _srcToken, // received token
uint256 _amount, // received token amount
uint256 _fromChain, // from chain
bytes calldata _from, // from account
bytes calldata _payload // call data
) external;